Greek cities in the Eastern Mediterranean: Local, Greek and Roman heritages in urban landscapes and the role of excavation history

Lecture by Professor Rubina Raja

The archaeological legacy of Greek urban design in the cities of the ancient Near East and eastern Mediterranean.

Explore the cultural layers of the urban centres of the eastern Mediterranean with one of the world’s leading urban archaeologists.

This lecture revisits some of these long-established centres of the Greek and Roman Near East, and the various ancient peoples who inhabited them. It traces, through the archaeology and historical sources, the transformation of these cities over centuries – also those before the Romans arrived – and asks in which ways we can begin to disentangle the various cultural impacts and legacies visible and invisibly embedded into the fabric of these urban centres.

Rubina Raja is professor of classical archaeology and art at Aarhus University, Denmark and director of the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence for Urban Network Evolutions.

Chau Chak Wing Museum

corner University Avenue & Parramatta Road, Camperdown New South Wales 2006
The Chau Chak Wing Museum, situated at the University of Sydney, is a multidisciplinary institution that unites the university's Nicholson, Macleay, and Art collections under one roof. This museum offers a diverse range of exhibits, including art, archaeology, ethnography, and natural history, providing visitors with a comprehensive cultural experience.


24 Apr 2025 6:00 PM